"Above and Beyond" - Human Resources


10/25/20224 min read

Above and beyond: To do more than what is expected or to exceed the requirements or expectations.

a plane flying over a cloud filled sky
a plane flying over a cloud filled sky


The idiom "above and beyond" originated from the Latin phrase "ultra vires," which means "beyond the powers." The phrase gained popularity in the English language during the 19th century. It was often used to describe someone's extraordinary efforts and dedication to a task, going beyond what was expected or required of them. The phrase gained popularity in the English language through its usage in the maritime and military fields to describe going beyond the call of duty.

What is the Meaning?

The idiom "above and beyond" refers to exceeding expectations or requirements in a given situation. It is used to acknowledge someone's extra effort, dedication, or exceptional performance, especially in the workplace.

Prioritize Quality Communication

Quality: our daily routine.

two men in suits sitting at a desk
two men in suits sitting at a desk


Imagine an employee who not only completes their assigned tasks but also takes the initiative to help their colleagues, proactively identifies and solves problems, and contributes innovative ideas for the company's growth. This employee is going "above and beyond" their basic job requirements, demonstrating exceptional dedication and commitment to their work.

Human Resources Context - How to Use the Idiom

The idiom "above and beyond" is commonly used in the human resources industry to recognize and appreciate employees who demonstrate exceptional performance, dedication, and commitment to their work. Here are some example sentences of the idiom used in various business contexts:

The HR manager went above and beyond to ensure all employees received fair compensation and benefits.

The training specialist went above and beyond to create a customized onboarding program for our new hires.

The recruiter went above and beyond to find the perfect candidate for the position, even working late hours and weekends.

The HR coordinator went above and beyond to organize a successful team-building event that brought the company together.

Compare Sentences

Example sentence without the idiom: The HR manager worked hard to ensure all employees received fair compensation and benefits.

Example sentence with the idiom: The HR manager went above and beyond to ensure all employees received fair compensation and benefits.

The sentence with the idiom is better because it emphasizes the exceptional effort and dedication of the HR manager, acknowledging their outstanding performance in the workplace.

a man and woman sitting at a table with a tablet
a man and woman sitting at a table with a tablet

Over to you - Using the Idiom in Conversation

How would you use the idiom "above and beyond" in your business conversations? Try to think of situations where you could use the idiom. Consider reading this scenario aloud and recording yourself speaking to experience a more effective way of practicing the idiom. Here's an example to get you started:


Scenario: A quarterly performance review meeting between HR managers and department heads.

Department Head: Thank you all for joining today's meeting. I would like to begin by acknowledging the outstanding work of our HR team. They have truly gone above and beyond in their efforts to recruit top talent, improve employee engagement, and develop our company culture.

HR Manager: Thank you for your kind words. Our team is dedicated to supporting the growth and success of our company, and we are always willing to go above and beyond to ensure the satisfaction of our employees.

Department Head: I would also like to express my gratitude to Jane, our training specialist, who exceeded expectations in developing a comprehensive onboarding program for our new hires. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, and we are already seeing the benefits of this investment.

HR Manager: We appreciate your recognition, and we will continue to strive for excellence in all aspects of our work.

Gap Fill Exercises

Add the idiom "above and beyond" to blank spaces in the following sentences:

  1. Our HR team always goes ___________ to make sure employees feel valued and supported.

  2. The HR manager's dedication to resolving employee conflicts goes ___________ her job description.

  3. The company's commitment to diversity and inclusion goes ___________ the industry standards.

  4. The recruitment specialist's effort in attracting top talent goes ___________ what we expected.

Quiz: Test Your Understanding of "Above and Beyond" in Business Contexts

Test your understanding of the idiom "above and beyond" in various business contexts with this interactive quiz. Answer the following questions and refer to the scoring guidelines below.

What does the idiom "above and beyond" mean?

a) Doing the bare minimum

b) Exceeding expectations or requirements

c) Failing to meet expectations

d) Performing at the same level as others

Fill in the blank: The HR manager went ___________ to resolve the conflict between two employees.

a) down and out

b) above and beyond

c) back and forth

d) in and out

In which context would you use the idiom "above and beyond"?

a) To describe someone's exceptional performance or dedication

b) To describe a poorly executed task

c) To describe someone's average performance

d) To describe someone's tardiness

Multiple-choice question: The idiom "above and beyond" originated from the Latin phrase:

a) "carpe diem"

b) "caveat emptor"

c) "ultra vires"

d) "veni, vidi, vici"

Fill in the blank: The HR coordinator went ___________ to organize a successful team-building event that brought the company together.

a) in and out

b) back and forth

c) above and beyond

d) down and out

Scoring Guidelines:

Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

Total possible score: 5 points

4-5 points: Excellent understanding of the idiom "above and beyond" in business contexts

2-3 points: Good understanding, but more practice is needed

0-1 point: Keep practicing and reviewing the idiom "above and beyond" to improve your understanding and usage in business contexts

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