"Get the ball rolling" - Beverage and Food


10/25/20224 min read

To initiate action or start something in motion.

a bowling ball on a bowling ball in a bowling ball
a bowling ball on a bowling ball in a bowling ball


The origin of the idiom "get the ball rolling" dates back to the early 19th century. It is believed to have originated from the game of croquet, where players had to start by hitting a ball through a hoop to begin the game. Over time, this expression was adapted to represent the idea of starting something new or encouraging progress in various situations, including the business world. The idiom has now become a popular way to encourage colleagues to take action and move forward with a project or task.

What is the Meaning?

The idiom "get the ball rolling" means to start a process, initiate action, or make progress on something. It is often used in business situations where there is a need to motivate team members to begin working on a project, plan, or task. By using this expression, you are encouraging others to take the first step and set things in motion.

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a man in a suit and glasses is standing in front of a group of people
a man in a suit and glasses is standing in front of a group of people


Imagine you are at a company meeting where the team needs to come up with a new marketing strategy for a beverage and food product. The manager might say, "Let's get the ball rolling on brainstorming ideas for our new marketing campaign." In this case, the manager is figuratively rolling a ball to set the planning process in motion and encourage the team to start generating ideas.

Beverage and Food Industry Context - How to Use the Idiom

In the beverage and food industry, "get the ball rolling" is often used in various business contexts, such as initiating new product development, starting a marketing campaign, or beginning a process improvement initiative. Here are some example sentences of the idiom used in various business contexts:

"We need to get the ball rolling on our new beverage line to meet the upcoming launch deadline."

"Let's get the ball rolling on the promotional campaign for our latest food product."

"Our team should get the ball rolling on researching new ingredients for our next recipe."

"To improve our supply chain, we must get the ball rolling on finding more efficient suppliers."

Compare Sentences

Without idiom: "We need to start working on our new marketing campaign."

With idiom: "Let's get the ball rolling on our new marketing campaign."

Using the idiom makes the sentence more engaging and conveys a sense of urgency, encouraging action and collaboration among team members.

a man and woman sitting at a table with a tablet
a man and woman sitting at a table with a tablet

Over to you - Using the Idiom in Conversation

How would you use "get the ball rolling" in your business conversations? Try to think of situations where you could use the idiom. Consider reading this scenario aloud and recording yourself speaking to experience a more effective way of practicing the idiom. Here's an example to get you started:


Scenario: A team meeting to discuss a new product launch in the beverage and food industry.

Marketing Manager: "We have a tight deadline for launching our new energy drink. We need to get the ball rolling on the marketing campaign right away."

Product Development Manager: "Our team has already started working on the product formulation. We'll have the final version ready for testing soon."

Supply Chain Manager: "I'll begin sourcing the necessary ingredients and materials to ensure we're prepared for mass production."

Sales Manager: "As soon as the marketing materials are available, we'll start reaching out to our distribution partners to secure shelf space."

Gap Fill Exercises

Add the idiom "get the ball rolling" to blank spaces in the following sentences:

  1. "We need to ___________ on finding a new supplier for our organic ingredients."

  2. "Let's ___________ on the redesign of our restaurant menu to attract more customers."

  3. "To improve employee morale, we should ___________ on planning a team-building event."

  4. "Our competitors are launching new products, so it's time to ___________ on our product innovation strategy."

Quiz: Mastering "Get the Ball Rolling" in Business Contexts

What does the idiom "get the ball rolling" mean?

a. To physically roll a ball

b. To start a process or initiate action

c. To play a game

In which context did the idiom "get the ball rolling" originate?

a. Sports

b. Business

c. Politics

Fill in the blank: "It's time to ___________ on our marketing strategy to boost sales."

a. roll the dice

b. get the ball rolling

c. kick the bucket

Which of the following sentences uses the idiom "get the ball rolling" correctly?

a. "I can't believe I have to get the ball rolling on my vacation."

b. "Let's get the ball rolling on our new sustainability initiatives."

c. "The soccer team decided to get the ball rolling during the game."

Why is using the idiom "get the ball rolling" more effective than not using it?

a. It makes the sentence more engaging and conveys a sense of urgency.

b. It makes the sentence longer and more complex.

c. It confuses the listener and creates mystery.

Scoring Guidelines:

5 correct answers: Idiom Master

3-4 correct answers: Idiom Pro

1-2 correct answers: Idiom Novice

0 correct answers: Time to Brush Up on Your Idioms!

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