"Get the ball rolling" - Education and Training


10/25/20224 min read

To initiate action or start something in motion.

a bowling ball on a bowling ball in a bowling ball
a bowling ball on a bowling ball in a bowling ball


The early beginnings of the idiom "get the ball rolling" are unknown, but it is believed to have originated from sports, particularly games involving balls. In these games, the action begins once the ball starts rolling. Over time, the phrase has been adopted in various industries, including business, to signify initiating action or starting a project.

What is the Meaning?

"Get the ball rolling" means to start a process or take the first step in initiating an action, typically in a business setting. It is used to motivate people to begin working on a project, take action on an idea, or set the wheels in motion for a plan. The idiom suggests a sense of urgency and a need to get things started without delay.

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a man in a suit and glasses is standing in front of a group of people
a man in a suit and glasses is standing in front of a group of people


Imagine a soccer game where the players are waiting for the referee to blow the whistle, signaling the start of the match. Once the whistle is blown, the ball starts rolling, and the players spring into action. This image of a ball rolling on the field represents the idiom's literal meaning, where the rolling ball signifies the beginning of a process.

Education and Training Context - How to Use the Idiom

In the education and training industry, "get the ball rolling" is commonly used to initiate projects, discussions, or new initiatives. It motivates team members to take the first step and get things started. Here are some example sentences of the idiom used in various business contexts:

"During the training session, let's get the ball rolling by brainstorming new ideas for our upcoming workshops."

"I think it's time to get the ball rolling on developing our new online course curriculum."

"To ensure a successful conference, we need to get the ball rolling on marketing efforts as soon as possible."

Compare Sentences

Without the idiom: "We should start working on the project proposal."

With the idiom: "Let's get the ball rolling on the project proposal."

The sentence with the idiom is more effective because it conveys a sense of urgency and adds an engaging element to the sentence.

a man and woman sitting at a table with a tablet
a man and woman sitting at a table with a tablet

Over to you - Using the Idiom in Conversation

How would you use "get the ball rolling" in your business conversations? Try to think of situations where you could use the idiom. Consider reading this scenario aloud and recording yourself speaking to experience a more effective way of practicing the idiom. Here's an example to get you started:


Scenario: A project update meeting with the training department.

Manager: "Alright, team. We have a lot to cover today, so let's get the ball rolling. How are we progressing with the new training modules?"

Instructional Designer: "We're making great progress. The first three modules are almost complete, and we're ready to start testing them with a small group of learners."

Marketing Specialist: "I've prepared a marketing plan for promoting the new modules. It includes social media campaigns, email marketing, and targeted ads."

Trainer: "I have been working on updating our training materials and incorporating the latest industry trends. Once the new modules are launched, we'll be able to provide a more comprehensive learning experience."

Manager: "That's great to hear. Keep up the good work, and let's continue to push forward and get the ball rolling on the remaining modules."

Get the ball rolling - Education and Training

Gap Fill Exercises

Add the idiom "get the ball rolling" to blank spaces in the following sentences:

  1. "We need to ___________ on the employee training program for the new software."

  2. "Our next step is to ___________ on the recruitment process for new instructors."

  3. "Before we can launch our new e-learning platform, we have to ___________ on finalizing the course content."

  4. "In today's meeting, we will ___________ on discussing strategies for improving student engagement."

Quiz: Mastering "Get the Ball Rolling" in Business Contexts

Title: Get the Ball Rolling: How Well Do You Know This Idiom?

What does the idiom "get the ball rolling" mean?

a) To end a process

b) To start a process or initiate action

c) To play a ball game

d) To delay a decision

Fill in the blank: "We should ___________ on planning the annual company retreat."

a) get the ball rolling

b) find the ball

c) throw the ball

d) catch the ball

In which industry context is the example sentence most suitable? "It's time to get the ball rolling on creating a new employee training manual."

a) Manufacturing

b) Education and training

c) Hospitality

d) Finance

Which of the following sentences uses the idiom "get the ball rolling" correctly?

a) "Let's get the ball rolling on organizing the office party."

b) "We need to get the ball rolling to make a decision."

c) "She got the ball rolling on her vacation plans."

d) "They decided to get the ball rolling after lunch."

Which of the following sentences is NOT an appropriate use of "get the ball rolling"?

a) "Let's get the ball rolling on developing our marketing strategy."

b) "The manager asked the team to get the ball rolling on the project."

c) "We need to get the ball rolling on cleaning up after the event."

d) "I can't find the ball rolling anywhere in the office."

Scoring Guidelines:

5 correct answers: You're an idiom expert! You know how to use "get the ball rolling" effectively in various business contexts.

3-4 correct answers: You have a good grasp of the idiom but could benefit from more practice.

1-2 correct answers: You need to work on your understanding of "get the ball rolling." Review the examples and try again.

0 correct answers: It's time to get the ball rolling on your idiom study. Review the examples and practice using the idiom in different contexts.

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