"Get the ball rolling" - Human Resources


10/25/20224 min read

To initiate action or start something in motion.

a bowling ball on a bowling ball in a bowling ball
a bowling ball on a bowling ball in a bowling ball


The early beginnings of the idiom "get the ball rolling" are unknown, but it is believed to have originated from sports, particularly ball games, where getting the ball rolling would initiate the game or begin a new play. In a business context, this idiom is used to describe the initiation or start of a new project, task, or process.

What is the Meaning?

When someone says, "Let's get the ball rolling," they are suggesting that it's time to start a project, task, or process. This idiom is often used in business environments to motivate and encourage teams to begin working on a new initiative or to continue making progress on an ongoing project.

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a man in a suit and glasses is standing in front of a group of people
a man in a suit and glasses is standing in front of a group of people


Imagine a team playing soccer. When the referee blows the whistle and the players start moving, they "get the ball rolling" by kicking it and beginning the game. This action sets the pace and initiates the game, much like starting a new project or task in a business setting.

Human Resources Context - How to Use the Idiom

In the field of human resources, the idiom "get the ball rolling" can be used to describe the process of starting a new initiative or project, such as implementing a new training program, hiring new employees, or improving company policies. Here are some example sentences of the idiom used in various business contexts:

  1. We need to get the ball rolling on our employee wellness program.

  2. Let's get the ball rolling on the new recruitment strategy.

  3. The HR department should get the ball rolling on updating our performance review process.

Compare Sentences

Without the idiom: We should start working on the employee engagement survey.

With the idiom: Let's get the ball rolling on the employee engagement survey.

Using the idiom in this context adds a sense of urgency and enthusiasm, making it more motivating and engaging for the team.

a man and woman sitting at a table with a tablet
a man and woman sitting at a table with a tablet

Over to you - Using the Idiom in Conversation

How would you use "get the ball rolling" in your business conversations? Try to think of situations where you could use the idiom. Consider reading this scenario aloud and recording yourself speaking to experience a more effective way of practicing the idiom. Here's an example to get you started:


Scenario: During a human resources team meeting, colleagues are discussing the implementation of a new employee training program.

HR Manager: We've been discussing the need for a new employee training program for quite some time. I think it's time we get the ball rolling on this initiative. What do you all think?

HR Coordinator: I agree. We should start by researching different training platforms and gathering feedback from our employees.

Recruiter: Once we've chosen a platform, we can get the ball rolling on developing the content for the program.

Training Specialist: I'll start working on a timeline and assign responsibilities to the team to make sure we stay on track.

HR Manager: Great! Let's get the ball rolling and make this training program a success.

Gap Fill Exercises

Add the idiom "get the ball rolling" to blank spaces in the following sentences:

  1. It's time to ___________ on our new employee onboarding process.

  2. We should ___________ on planning the company retreat.

  3. Let's ___________ on the diversity and inclusion initiatives.

  4. The team needs to ___________ on updating the employee handbook.

Quiz: Mastering "Get the Ball Rolling" in Business Contexts

Question 1: What does the idiom "get the ball rolling" mean?

a) To play a game of soccer

b) To initiate action or begin a process

c) To roll a ball down a hill

Question 2: In which context can the idiom "get the ball rolling" be used?

a) Starting a new project

b) Completing a task

c) Expressing frustration

Question 3: Fill in the blank: "We need to ___________ on the annual budget planning."

a) start the process

b) get the ball rolling

c) end the meeting

Question 4: Which sentence uses the idiom "get the ball rolling" correctly?

a) We should get the ball rolling on taking a break.

b) I can't believe how quickly they got the ball rolling on the new marketing campaign.

c) The meeting is over, so let's get the ball rolling home.

Question 5: Which of these sentences best replaces the idiom "get the ball rolling" without changing the meaning?

a) Let's initiate the project immediately.

b) Let's stop working on this project.

c) Let's wait for more information before starting.

Scoring Guidelines:

5 correct answers: Excellent! You've mastered the idiom "get the ball rolling" in business contexts.

3-4 correct answers: Good job! You have a solid understanding of the idiom, but there's room for improvement.

0-2 correct answers: Keep practicing! Review the idiom and its usage in different contexts to improve your understanding.

Answer Key:






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