"Get the ball rolling" - Project Management


10/25/20224 min read

Getting started on a task or project, initiating action.

a bowling ball on a bowling ball in a bowling ball
a bowling ball on a bowling ball in a bowling ball


The early beginnings of the idiom "get the ball rolling" are unknown, but it is believed to have originated from the game of croquet. In croquet, the ball must be hit through a series of hoops, and the player who starts the game is said to "get the ball rolling." This idiom was eventually adopted in business contexts to represent the initiation of a project, task, or conversation.

What is the Meaning?

"Get the ball rolling" means to start a task, project, or conversation, and set things in motion. In a business context, this idiom is often used to emphasize the importance of taking the first step and initiating action, rather than waiting for things to happen on their own. The idiom encourages a proactive approach to problem-solving, decision-making, and communication.

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three women sitting at a table with laptops
three women sitting at a table with laptops


Imagine a large ball at the top of a hill, waiting to be pushed. As soon as someone pushes the ball, it starts rolling downhill, gaining momentum and speed. This image represents the idea of getting the ball rolling – starting something and setting it in motion. In a business context, getting the ball rolling means taking the initiative and starting a project or discussion, with the expectation that others will join in and contribute.

Project Management Context Context - How to Use the Idiom

In project management, "get the ball rolling" is commonly used to express the importance of initiating tasks, meetings, or discussions. Here are some example sentences of the idiom used in various business contexts:

To ensure we meet our deadline, we need to get the ball rolling on the new marketing campaign.

In today's meeting, let's get the ball rolling on our SWOT analysis.

We should get the ball rolling on assigning tasks and responsibilities for the next quarter.

Compare Sentences

Without idiom: "We should start discussing our strategic plan for the next quarter."

With idiom: "Let's get the ball rolling on our strategic plan for the next quarter."

Using the idiom makes the sentence more engaging and emphasizes the importance of taking action, which can motivate team members to participate actively.

a group of people sitting at a table with a laptop and a tablet
a group of people sitting at a table with a laptop and a tablet

Over to you - Using the Idiom in Conversation

How would you use "get the ball rolling" in your business conversations? Try to think of situations where you could use the idiom. Consider reading this scenario aloud and recording yourself speaking to experience a more effective way of practicing the idiom. Here's an example to get you started:


Scenario: A project update meeting where team members discuss the progress of a project and plan the next steps.

Project Manager: "Alright, everyone, let's get the ball rolling with a quick update on the current status of our project. Who can provide a brief summary?"

Marketing Manager: "I can. We've just completed the initial market research, and we're now ready to develop the marketing strategy for our new product launch."

Operations Manager: "Great. It's time to get the ball rolling on the production process as well. Let's discuss how we can optimize our resources and ensure timely delivery."

Gap Fill Exercises

Add the idiom "get the ball rolling" to blank spaces in the following sentences:

We need to ___________ on updating our website to improve user experience.

The sales team should ___________ on reaching out to potential clients.

To address the current challenges, we must ___________ on implementing new strategies.

Our next step is to ___________ on setting SMART goals for the upcoming quarter.

Quiz: Mastering "Get the Ball Rolling" in Business Contexts

What does the idiom "get the ball rolling" mean?

a) To play a game with a ball

b) To initiate a task, project, or conversation

c) To juggle multiple tasks at once

Fill in the blank: In order to achieve our objectives, we must ___________ on creating a detailed action plan.

a) get the ball rolling

b) kick the ball

c) throw the ball

In which of the following situations would you use the idiom "get the ball rolling"?

a) When discussing a delay in a project

b) When starting a new project or task

c) When closing a project or task

What is the origin of the idiom "get the ball rolling"?

a) Basketball

b) Croquet

c) Soccer

What is the main purpose of using the idiom "get the ball rolling" in business conversations?

a) To emphasize the importance of taking initiative

b) To express frustration with a situation

c) To celebrate the completion of a project

Scoring Guidelines:

5 correct answers: Excellent! You have a strong understanding of the idiom "get the ball rolling" in business contexts.

3-4 correct answers: Good job! You have a basic understanding of the idiom, but you may want to review the material for more clarity.

0-2 correct answers: You may need to review the material and practice using the idiom to improve your understanding of its meaning and usage in business contexts.


b) To initiate a task, project, or conversation

a) get the ball rolling

b) When starting a new project or task

b) Croquet

a) To emphasize the importance of taking initiative

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