"Start Off on the Right Foot"- Automotive and Transportation


10/25/20225 min read

To initiate action or start something in motion.

a woman walking down a path with a backpacker
a woman walking down a path with a backpacker


The early beginnings of the idiom "start off on the right foot" are unknown, but it is believed to have originated from ancient superstitions and cultural beliefs around the importance of the right side. In many cultures, the right side is considered to be lucky, auspicious, and a symbol of success. This preference for the right side has been incorporated into various aspects of life, from shaking hands to taking the first step in a journey. Over time, the phrase evolved to its current form, which is now used to convey the idea of starting something positively.

What is the Meaning?

"Start off on the right foot" is an idiom used to describe beginning a new project, relationship, or activity in a positive and successful manner. It implies that by taking the right initial steps, you can set the stage for a prosperous outcome. This idiom is widely used in business contexts, where it is essential to establish a strong foundation for success from the very beginning. It can also be used in various other aspects of life, such as personal relationships, self-improvement, and education.

Example: "It's crucial that our team starts off on the right foot with this project to ensure its success."

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a woman in a red sports bracken and a red sports bra
a woman in a red sports bracken and a red sports bra


Imagine standing at the starting line of a race, with your right foot forward, ready to take that first powerful step. This image embodies the essence of "starting off on the right foot," as it signifies the importance of beginning any endeavor with confidence, preparedness, and a positive attitude.

Automotive & Transportation Context - How to Use the Idiom

In the automotive and transportation industry, the phrase "start off on the right foot" is commonly used to emphasize the significance of laying a solid foundation for success. Here are some example sentences of the idiom used in various business contexts:

  1. "To ensure our new product launch goes smoothly, we must start off on the right foot by developing a comprehensive marketing plan."

  2. "Our partnership with the logistics company will start off on the right foot if we establish clear communication channels and define our roles and responsibilities."

  3. "By investing in employee training and development, our company can start off on the right foot in retaining top talent and maintaining a competitive edge."

Compare Sentences

Without the idiom: "We need to begin the project well to ensure its success."

With the idiom: "We need to start off on the right foot to ensure the project's success."

The sentence with the idiom is more engaging and effective in conveying the importance of a strong beginning to achieve success.

a train on a train track with a bright orange light
a train on a train track with a bright orange light

Over to you - Using the Idiom in Conversation

How would you use the idiom "start off on the right foot" in your business conversations? Try to think of situations where you could use the idiom. Consider reading this scenario aloud. Record yourself speaking to experience a more effective way of practicing the idiom. Here is an example to get you started:


Scenario: A project planning meeting for a new electric vehicle launch.

Project Manager: As you all know, we're here to discuss the launch of our new electric vehicle. It's essential that we start off on the right foot to ensure a successful launch and positive reception in the market.

Lead Engineer: Agreed. I believe we should begin by setting clear goals and objectives for the project. This will help us stay focused and ensure we're all working towards the same targets.

Marketing Manager: Definitely. We'll need to conduct thorough market research to understand our target audience and create a compelling marketing strategy that resonates with them. Starting off on the right foot with our marketing efforts will be crucial to generating interest and demand for our new vehicle.

Supply Chain Manager: That's a great point. Additionally, we should establish strong relationships with our suppliers and logistics partners to ensure smooth production and delivery processes. This way, we can we can make a successful start in meeting customer expectations and avoiding any potential supply chain issues.

Project Manager: Excellent suggestions, everyone. Let's begin by assigning tasks and responsibilities to each team member and setting deadlines for each milestone. By starting off on the right foot, we'll set ourselves up for success and deliver an exceptional product to the market.

Gap Fill Exercises

Add the idiom "start off on the right foot" to blank spaces in the following sentences:

  1. To achieve our sales targets this quarter, we must ________ by developing a solid sales strategy.

  2. Our collaboration with the new supplier will ________ if we maintain clear communication and align our expectations.

  3. The new hire orientation program is designed to help employees ________ in their new roles.

  4. It's essential to ________ when negotiating contracts to establish trust and create mutually beneficial agreements.

Quiz: Testing Your Understanding of "Start Off on the Right Foot"

Title: Starting Off on the Right Foot: Mastering the Idiom in Business Contexts

What does the idiom "start off on the right foot" mean?

a) To take a literal step with the right foot

b) To begin a project, relationship, or activity in a positive and successful manner

c) To dance gracefully

Fill in the blank: "To ensure a successful partnership, we should ________ by setting clear expectations and defining our roles."

a) begin with caution

b) start off on the right foot

c) run a marathon

In which of the following situations would it be appropriate to use the idiom "start off on the right foot"?

a) Discussing the importance of a strong beginning for a new project

b) Talking about a new dance routine

c) Describing a footrace

Which of these sentences correctly uses the idiom?

a) "I'm going to start off on the right foot and take a break."

b) "We need to start off on the right foot to ensure the project's success."

c) "The car started off on the right foot, but then it broke down."

How can using the idiom "start off on the right foot" benefit your business conversations?

a) It can make you appear more knowledgeable about feet

b) It can help you convey the importance of a strong beginning to achieve success

c) It can make your conversations more focused on walking

Scoring Guidelines:

5 correct answers: You're an expert at using the idiom "start off on the right foot" in business contexts!

3-4 correct answers: You have a good understanding of the idiom but could benefit from more practice.

1-2 correct answers: You may need to review the meaning and usage of the idiom to improve your understanding.

0 correct answers: It might be helpful to revisit the explanations and examples provided in this article.

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