"Start off on the right foot" - Ecommerce and Retail


10/25/20224 min read

To begin a project, relationship, in a positive and successful manner.


The early beginnings of the idiom "start off on the right foot" is unknown, but it is believed to have originated from the ancient Roman belief that stepping forward with the right foot brought good luck and success. This idiom has since become a staple in the business world, particularly in the ecommerce and retail industries.

What is the Meaning?

"Start off on the right foot" implies that when initiating a new project or relationship, it is essential to begin with a positive mindset, clear goals, and strong communication. This sets the stage for a successful outcome, fostering collaboration and teamwork. In the ecommerce and retail sectors, starting off on the right foot is crucial for launching new initiatives, securing partnerships, and achieving desired results.

Prioritize Quality Communication

a woman in a business suit walking down a sidewalk
a woman in a business suit walking down a sidewalk


Picture a runner at the starting line of a race, poised and ready to take their first step. The right foot is forward, symbolizing the positive energy, focus, and determination needed to win the race. This image captures the essence of the idiom, as starting off on the right foot means embarking on a new journey or endeavor with confidence and a clear vision.

Ecommerce and Retail Context - How to Use the Idiom

In the ecommerce and retail industries, "start off on the right foot" is commonly used to emphasize the importance of a strong beginning when launching a new product, entering a new market, or forming strategic partnerships. Here are some example sentences of the idiom used in various business contexts:

To ensure our online store launch starts off on the right foot, we must carefully plan our marketing strategy and set realistic sales targets.

Our partnership with the new supplier will start off on the right foot if we establish clear communication channels and define mutual expectations.

To start off on the right foot, the project manager should develop a comprehensive timeline, allocate resources, and assign tasks to team members.

Compare Sentences

Without idiom: We need a successful beginning for our new marketing campaign.

With idiom: We need to start off on the right foot with our new marketing campaign.

The sentence with the idiom is better because it conveys the idea of a positive and successful start, using a vivid and memorable expression.

a person standing in front of a group of people
a person standing in front of a group of people

Over to you - Using the Idiom in Conversation

How would you use the idiom "start off on the right foot" in your business conversations? Try to think of situations where you could use the idiom. Consider reading this scenario aloud. Record yourself speaking to experience a more effective way of practicing the idiom. Here is an example to get you started.


Scenario: A team meeting discussing the launch of a new online store

Marketing Director: To ensure we start off on the right foot with our new online store, we must conduct thorough market research and identify our target audience.

Operations Manager: That's a great point. We should also make sure our website is user-friendly and optimized for mobile devices, so customers have a trouble-free shopping experience.

Product Manager: Additionally, having a robust inventory management system will help us start off on the right foot by minimizing stockouts and ensuring timely order fulfillment.

Customer Support Manager: I agree. Providing exceptional customer service from day one will also contribute to a successful start and foster customer loyalty.

Start out on the right foot - Ecommerce and Retail video.

Gap Fill Exercises

Add the idiom "start off on the right foot" to the blank spaces in the following sentences:

  1. To ensure our collaboration with the new distributor is successful, we must ___________ by setting clear goals and expectations.

  2. The onboarding process for new employees should be well-organized to help them ___________ in their new roles and quickly become productive team members.

  3. Our upcoming product launch event will require meticulous planning to ___________ and generate buzz in the industry.

  4. The negotiation with the potential investor will ___________ if we are well-prepared and present a compelling business case.

Quiz: Test Your Understanding of "Start Off on the Right Foot"

This Quiz Tests Your Understanding of "Start Off on the Right Foot" in Business Contexts.

What does the idiom "start off on the right foot" mean?

a) To make a mistake at the beginning of a project

b) To begin a project or relationship with a positive and successful start

c) To end a project with a strong finish

Fill in the blank: "The new marketing strategy must ___________ by clearly identifying our target audience and creating compelling content."

a) start off on the right foot

b) stumble out of the gate

c) hit the ground running

In which of the following situations would it be appropriate to use the idiom "start off on the right foot"?

a) When launching a new product line

b) When discussing a failed project

c) When terminating an employee

Which of the following sentences correctly uses the idiom "start off on the right foot"?

a) The project started off on the right foot but encountered several obstacles later on.

b) We need to start off on the right foot when we end this project.

c) The team started off on the right foot after a series of setbacks.

The idiom "start off on the right foot" is commonly used in the ecommerce and retail industries to emphasize the importance of:

a) Continuously improving the business model

b) A strong beginning when launching a new product or forming partnerships

c) Overcoming challenges after a poor start

Scoring Guidelines:

5 correct answers: Excellent! You have a great understanding of the idiom "start off on the right foot" and its use in business contexts.

3-4 correct answers: Good job! You have a basic understanding of the idiom, but there's still room for improvement.

1-2 correct answers: Keep practicing! Revisit the examples and explanations in this article to improve your understanding of the idiom "start off on the right foot."

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