"Start off on the right foot" - Finance and Banking


10/25/20224 min read

To begin a project, relationship, in a positive and successful manner.


The early beginnings of the idiom "start off on the right foot" are unknown, but it is believed to stem from ancient cultures where the right foot was associated with good fortune. Over time, the phrase evolved to represent the idea of beginning something with a positive attitude and a successful start.

What is the Meaning?

"Start off on the right foot" is an idiom used to express the desire to begin something positively, ensuring success from the outset. This idiom can be applied in various situations, such as personal relationships, work projects, or business dealings, and highlights the importance of a strong, positive start to achieve desired results.

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a man in a black shirt and red shoes
a man in a black shirt and red shoes


Imagine a person walking down a path and deliberately placing their right foot forward first. This action represents the intention to initiate their journey on a positive note, with the right foot symbolizing good fortune and success. This visual representation of the idiom helps convey the idea of taking the first step in a manner that will likely lead to a successful outcome.

Finance and Banking Context - How to Use the Idiom

In the finance and banking industry, starting off on the right foot is essential for building trust, rapport, and long-lasting relationships with clients and colleagues. Here are some example sentences of the idiom used in various business contexts:

To start off on the right foot with our new client, let's ensure we have a well-prepared presentation and demonstrate our expertise in their specific financial needs.

As a new bank manager, I want to start off on the right foot by setting clear expectations and fostering a collaborative work environment.

Our investment team needs to start off on the right foot by conducting thorough research and analysis before making any recommendations.

Compare Sentences

Without the idiom: "We need to begin our partnership positively by establishing clear communication channels and understanding the client's expectations."

With the idiom: "To start off on the right foot in our partnership, we should establish clear communication channels and understand the client's expectations."

The sentence with the idiom is more engaging and conveys the same meaning using a more colorful and relatable expression.

a person standing in front of a group of people
a person standing in front of a group of people

Over to you - Using the Idiom in Conversation

How would you use the idiom "start off on the right foot" in your business conversations? Try to think of situations where you could use the idiom. Consider reading this scenario aloud. Record yourself speaking to experience a more effective way of practicing the idiom. Here is an example to get you started.


Scenario: A team meeting in a financial firm to discuss the upcoming merger with another company and the steps needed to ensure a smooth transition.

Analyst: "The merger is a significant opportunity for our firm, and we need to start off on the right foot. What are some ways we can ensure a seamless integration?"

Project Manager: "To start off on the right foot, let's establish a dedicated team to oversee the merger process and create a detailed timeline of milestones and deliverables."

Compliance Officer: "It's essential that we review all regulatory requirements and ensure that both companies are compliant before the merger. This will help us avoid any potential issues and start off on the right foot."

CFO: "I agree. By taking these proactive steps, we will be better positioned to maximize the benefits of this merger for both our employees and clients."

Gap Fill Exercises

Add the idiom "start off on the right foot" to the blank spaces in the following sentences:

  1. To __________ with our new investment partner, we should provide them with a comprehensive overview of our portfolio and strategy.

  2. Our team needs to __________ by having a well-organized kickoff meeting, setting clear goals, and assigning responsibilities for the upcoming project.

  1. As a new financial advisor, I want to __________ with my clients by conducting in-depth interviews to understand their financial goals and risk tolerance.

  2. In order to __________ with the new software implementation, we should invest in proper employee training and address any concerns proactively.

Quiz: Test Your Understanding of "Start Off on the Right Foot"

What does the idiom "start off on the right foot" mean?

a) Begin something in a negative manner

b) Begin something in a positive and successful manner

c) Begin something with your actual right foot

Fill in the blank: "To ensure a successful product launch, we need to __________ by conducting extensive market research and creating a targeted marketing strategy."

a) start off on the right foot

b) take it one step at a time

c) hit the ground running

In which of these situations would it be appropriate to use the idiom "start off on the right foot"?

a) A company-wide meeting discussing new workplace policies

b) An email to a colleague about a technical issue with their computer

c) A conversation about weekend plans with a friend

Fill in the blank: "Our team should __________ with the new client by being well-prepared and understanding their specific needs and goals."

a) start off on the right foot

b) hit the nail on the head

c) keep an eye on the ball

How can you practice using the idiom "start off on the right foot" in conversation?

a) Write down example sentences and share them with friends

b) Read a scenario aloud and record yourself speaking

c) Only use the idiom in written communication

Scoring Guidelines:

5 correct answers: Excellent understanding of the idiom and its usage in business contexts

3-4 correct answers: Good understanding of the idiom, but practice using it in various situations

1-2 correct answers: Requires more practice and review of the idiom and its applications

0 correct answers: Consider revisiting the article and studying the idiom further

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