"Start off on the right foot" - Project Management


10/25/20224 min read

To begin a project, relationship, in a positive and successful manner.


The early beginnings of the idiom "start off on the right foot" are unknown, but it is believed to have originated from the ancient belief that the left side was associated with bad luck or evil, while the right side was considered auspicious and good. In various cultures, the right foot was seen as more favorable, leading to the idea that starting something with the right foot would ensure success and positive outcomes.

What is the Meaning?

The idiom "start off on the right foot" means to begin a project, task, or relationship on a positive note, with a strong foundation for future success. It is often used in business situations to emphasize the importance of a good beginning, as it can set the tone for the entire project, task, or relationship. A successful start can lead to better collaboration, smoother processes, and a higher likelihood of achieving goals.

Prioritize Quality Communication

a woman in a business suit walking down a sidewalk
a woman in a business suit walking down a sidewalk


Imagine a person taking their first step with their right foot, symbolizing the act of starting something new with positivity and optimism. This visual representation emphasizes the importance of the initial actions in determining the future direction and success of a project or relationship.

Project Management Context - How to Use the Idiom

In the field of project management, the idiom "start off on the right foot" is commonly used to stress the significance of laying a strong foundation at the beginning of a project. A successful start can lead to better teamwork, effective communication, and timely completion of tasks. Here are some example sentences of the idiom used in various project management contexts:

To start off on the right foot, we must establish clear objectives and a detailed project plan.

Let's make sure we start off on the right foot by setting realistic deadlines and assigning tasks to the appropriate team members.

During the project kickoff meeting, it is crucial to start off on the right foot by outlining the project scope and discussing any potential risks or challenges.

Compare Sentences

Without the idiom: "We need a good beginning for this project."

With the idiom: "We need to start off on the right foot with this project."

The sentence using the idiom is better because it emphasizes the importance of starting strong and positively, which can set the tone for the entire project.

a person standing in front of a group of people
a person standing in front of a group of people

Over to you - Using the Idiom in Conversation

How would you use the idiom "start off on the right foot" in your project management conversations? Try to think of situations where you could use the idiom. Consider reading this scenario aloud. Record yourself speaking to experience a more effective way of practicing the idiom. Here is an example to get you started.


Scenario: A project manager, team leader, and two team members are discussing the launch of a new project during a planning meeting.

Project Manager: To ensure our project starts off on the right foot, let's review the objectives and discuss the project plan in detail.

Team Leader: Agreed. It's essential that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities from the beginning.

Team Member 1: What are your thoughts on setting up weekly check-in meetings to ensure we're on track and addressing any challenges early on?

Team Member 2: That's a great idea. Regular communication will help us maintain momentum and start off on the right foot.

Start off on the right foot - Project Management video

Gap Fill Exercises

Add the idiom "start off on the right foot" to the blank spaces in the following sentences:

  1. To ensure a successful project, it's essential to ___________ with clear goals and expectations.

  2. During the first meeting with our new client, we should ___________ by being prepared and professional.

  3. When implementing new processes, it's important to ___________ with thorough training and support for the team.

  4. A well-organized onboarding process can help new employees ___________ in their new roles.

Quiz: Test Your Understanding of "Start Off on the Right Foot"

Question 1: What does the idiom "start off on the right foot" mean?

a) To begin a project or relationship with a negative start

b) To begin a project or relationship with a positive and successful start

c) To physically step forward with the right foot

Answer: b

Question 2: Fill in the blank: "To ___________, we must ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding project objectives."

Answer: start off on the right foot

Question 3: In which of the following situations would it be appropriate to use the idiom "start off on the right foot"?

a) When discussing the importance of a strong start in a project planning meeting

b) When discussing the weather during a casual conversation

c) When ordering food at a restaurant

Answer: a

Question 4: Which of these sentences uses the idiom "start off on the right foot" correctly?

a) We need to start off on the right foot with this new marketing campaign by setting clear goals and objectives.

b) The weather today is starting off on the right foot with rain and thunderstorms.

Answer: a

Question 5: True or False: The idiom "start off on the right foot" is commonly used in project management contexts to emphasize the importance of a positive and successful start to a project.

Answer: True

Scoring Guidelines: Give one point for each correct answer. A total score of 5 indicates a strong understanding of the idiom "start off on the right foot" in various business contexts.

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