"Start off on the right foot" - Sales and Marketing


10/25/20224 min read

To begin a project, relationship, in a positive and successful manner.


The early beginnings of the idiom "start off on the right foot" are unknown, but it is believed to have originated from the ancient Roman practice of entering a building with the right foot first to bring good fortune. Over time, the phrase has evolved to symbolize beginning something on a positive note.

What is the Meaning?

To "start off on the right foot" means to begin a project, relationship, or task with a positive and successful start, setting the stage for future success. The phrase is often used to emphasize the importance of establishing a strong foundation in business endeavors and interpersonal relationships.

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two women walking down a street in a city
two women walking down a street in a city


Imagine two people walking side by side, each stepping forward with their right foot at the same time. This synchronized movement represents harmony and coordination, which are essential for achieving success in any venture.

Sales and Marketing Context - How to Use the Idiom

In the sales and marketing industry, it is crucial to start off on the right foot when launching new products, forging partnerships, or establishing relationships with clients. Here are some example sentences of the idiom used in various business contexts:

To ensure a successful product launch, we need to start off on the right foot by thoroughly researching our target audience and developing a comprehensive marketing strategy.

Our partnership with the new vendor will start off on the right foot if we establish clear expectations and maintain open communication.

It is essential to start off on the right foot with our new clients by providing exceptional customer service and understanding their unique needs.

Compare Sentences

Without idiom: We need to have a good beginning for our new project.

With idiom: We need to start off on the right foot with our new project.

The sentence with the idiom is better because it adds a sense of urgency and emphasizes the importance of a strong beginning for the project's success.

a man and woman walking up a chart chart
a man and woman walking up a chart chart

Over to you - Using the Idiom in Conversation

How would you use the idiom "start off on the right foot" in your business conversations? Try to think of situations where you could use the idiom. Consider reading this scenario aloud. Record yourself speaking to experience a more effective way of practicing the idiom. Here is an example to get you started.


Scenario: A team of marketing professionals is discussing the upcoming product launch.

Project Manager: "As we prepare for this product launch, it's essential that we start off on the right foot. Can we brainstorm some ideas on how to make this happen?"

Content Strategist: "To start off on the right foot, we should identify our target audience and tailor our marketing message accordingly."

Social Media Manager: "I agree. We also need to ensure that our social media campaigns are cohesive and engaging so that our launch begins on a positive note."

Public Relations Specialist: "In addition, securing influential partnerships and endorsements can help us generate buzz and attract our target audience."

Gap Fill Exercises

Add the idiom "start off on the right foot" to the blank spaces in the following sentences:

  1. To make a good impression at the trade show, it's important to ___________ with an eye-catching booth design.

  2. When working with a new team, it's crucial to ___________ by establishing clear communication channels and building trust.

  3. To ensure a successful collaboration with our new agency partner, we need to ___________ by setting realistic goals and objectives.

  4. Our upcoming sales presentation must ___________ by highlighting the unique benefits and features of our product.

Quiz: Test Your Understanding of "Start Off on the Right Foot"

What does the idiom "start off on the right foot" mean?

a. To begin a project or relationship poorly

b. To begin a project or relationship with a positive and successful start

c. To walk in a specific direction

d. To be overly cautious

Fill in the blank: "To ensure our new employee feels welcome and supported, it's important to ___________ with a comprehensive onboarding process."

a. start off on the right foot

b. put one's foot down

c. have a foot in the door

d. drag one's feet

In which of the following situations would it be appropriate to use the idiom "start off on the right foot"?

a. When discussing a new marketing campaign

b. When talking about a past mistake

c. When mentioning a long-standing rivalry

d. When discussing an issue that cannot be resolved

What does the illustration of two people walking side by side, each stepping forward with their right foot at the same time, represent?

a. Disharmony and confusion

b. Harmony and coordination

c. Imbalance and uncertainty

d. Doubt and hesitation

Which of these sentences does NOT correctly use the idiom "start off on the right foot"?

a. "Let's start off on the right foot by creating a detailed project plan and setting clear deadlines."

b. "We started off on the right foot, but the project quickly went downhill due to unforeseen challenges."

c. "To start off on the right foot, it's important to address any potential issues before they escalate."

d. "Despite starting off on the right foot, we were unable to reach an agreement with the client."

Scoring Guidelines:

1 point for each correct answer

5 points: Excellent understanding of the idiom

3-4 points: Good understanding of the idiom

1-2 points: Limited understanding of the idiom

0 points: No understanding of the idiom

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